Welcome to PRISM - Home of plan sponsor solutions

  • (855) 404-1917
  • info@rmcglobalsoft.com


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Regulations and internal requirements continually evolve and change requiring new reports, new data, new documents, additional monitoring and ultimately more transparency and control. Internal compliance with policies and regulations can require increased resources, staff and systems, increasing costs. PRISM, however, is a flexible, adaptable system that can easily evolve and adjust as requirements change.

PRISM takes a holistic approach to the user’s governance and compliance responsibilities. For both documents and data, PRISM can monitor receipt of information, provide checklists and dashboards, and email alerts to users. That is, the system will regularly test (hourly, daily, monthly, annually etc.) for variances based on preset or user defined rules to identify “negative trends” or violations. Dashboards and emails are used to alert appropriate individuals (including custodians, managers, internal managers) of variances or negative trends. Additionally, PRISM offers the option to integrate data from other governance products into internal reports or checklists as needed both locally and globally. Lastly, with regard to documents, PRISM can apply document retention rules as determined by the users.

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Key Features/Benefits

Proper governance saves time, money and energy

As compliance and governance requirements grow, users need to ensure proper processes and controls are in place to meet them. PRISM provides the additional resources necessary to help with the compliance processes.

  • Holistic approach to governance and compliance responsibilities; covering both documents and data.
  • PRISM can monitor receipt of documents/data, provide document retention against specific retention policies, provide checklists and email alerts to assigned users.
  • PRISM can regularly test over different time intervals for variances based on user defined rules to identify violations or negative trends.
  • Dashboards and emails allow easy user identification of gaps or issues.
  • Automatic escalation of unresolved issues or violations to senior managers.
  • Expands oversight with numerous auto-governance processes without staff increases; expands variance testing and weakness identification to identify operational issues more quickly and efficiently.

  • Pro-active Monitoring

    PRISM actively reviews compliance of data and documents based on pre-determined rules. As such, PRISM automatically executes governance rules and sends notification of compliance without the need for labor intensive, manual intervention.

  • Transparency

    Through dashboards, checklists and email alerts, PRISM offers transparency through all business processes making it easy to see where the organization stands on compliance and governance.

  • Efficency

    PRISM eliminates the need for labor intensive, manual intervention. Available resources instead can focus more on either issues that arise or on implementing processes that actively prevent or diminish the possibility of issues.

  • Risk Mitigation

    Compliance and governance issues can be time consuming, costly and result in reputational damage. PRISM can aid organizations by automating the data/document gathering processes and flagging earlier missing or inaccurate data helping to diminish major governance flaws.

Compliance Dashboards

Compliance dashboards are the ultimate tool to allow quick and efficient tracking of documents and data. Dashboards are configurable by the users and designed to proactively monitor and report on data and documents under various conditions.

Document compliance dashboards are innovative cutting edge tools that systematically and efficiently monitor the receipt of information. Users can create as many dashboards as necessary to track the various document types required.

Dashboards report documents in a multi-dimensional matrix over varying timeframes, allowing users to track compliance trends over time.

Data compliance dashboards are used to both visually track receipt of data and display trends in data over varying timeframes. This allows users to spot variances from established rules and expectations in a proactive fashion.

PRISM automatically executes user defined rules and notifies key users at assigned frequencies (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly etc.).