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Data Management

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Data Management

Data management, as important as it is, can be time consuming and cumbersome. Moving between databases and spreadsheets can cause frustration and errors in the data. Additionally, storing large datasets, especially in various forms (text, numerical, etc.) and then accessing them for analytics and reporting can seem to require PhD’s in database management. PRISM is a complete, simplified solution to storing data and seamlessly incorporating this data into the other components of the system (such as analytics, CRM, pipeline management, etc.). Data can be sourced from other systems or from recordkeepers, custodians, consultants, actuaries or investment managers and input in a number of secure ways.


PRISM can house data collected from a variety sources including:

  • Custodians
  • Third party
    data aggregators
  • Money managers
    Public Sources
  • Public
  • Hedge
  • Private
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PRISM is designed to process data feeds from a variety of sources and then stores it efficiently to be utilized throughout the platform. Checks are built into the load processes, allowing for data integrity and transparency; these checks help to identify gaps and errors quickly, often before the vendor has discovered it. PRISM’s integrated structure simplifies the user’s work requirements and allows data to be stored just once for use in multiple ways. This helps each user to better manage, process, test, store, integrate and retrieve data in the most efficient manner.

  • Data can be used for reporting, analytics, due diligence, audits, governance, and data recovery, to name a few.
  • Data can be aggregated across multiple plans, countries, currencies, etc. helping to address risks and aid fiduciaries both locally and globally.
  • PRISM can store final and preliminary data and retain both for future retrieval.
  • Examples of data include returns, holdings, asset values, cashflows, participant data, data associated with private equity, defined contribution plans, or specific investment types.

Data Creation

PRISM can not only store data directly fed to it, but can also perform calculations and return metrics on the data provided (for example IRR, xIRR). Calculations can be performed on both liquid and illiquid assets.

PRISM has tunnels established with multiple custodians to collect holdings data at any frequency e.g. daily, weekly or monthly. Both preliminary and audited holdings can be captured and saved historically.

Holdings data is automatically aggregated for aggregate/composite investments following the user defined hierarchy. Additionally, index constituents can be captured in order to determine relative weight against the default benchmark.

Base returns can be collected or calculated on a regular basis, including daily and monthly. The base returns then can be utilized to calculate returns for any period as required (e.g. 1 Year, 3 Year, 5 Year, YTD, custom range).

PRISM’s flexible system provides the ability to construct composite/aggregate benchmarks in addition to custom benchmarks. Users can create unlimited composites as needed and they can be displayed hierarchical and/or presented in a tree.

Holdings and returns data can also be aggregated according to the composite, utilizing the constituents from the bottom up automatically.

Often benchmarks consist of a single index or peer group, but at times a custom benchmark may be a more appropriate comparison. PRISM offers the capability to create custom benchmarks, both where a user inputs the return and where PRISM calculates it for you through the combination of multiple indices or even more custom where a constant is applied (such as Libor +2.00% for example).

As benchmark constituents may change over time, PRISM also can preserve the old constituents or even apply constituents historically creating a new time series with the new constituents/weights.